URL parameters

Adding tracking parameters

For the purpose of tracking, you can add the following parameters to the URL:

By setting these parameters properly, we can share conversion data with you.

Incorporating them into the URL, it would resemble this:


Separating each parameter to make it more readable:


Theparam1,param2 andparam3 parameters can be tailored to a partner's usage, hence the generic names. They have an impact on the charts that we create internally, which we can share with you.

Incorporating login/registration information as parameters

To facilitate a better user experience, you can auto-fill the login/registration form by supplying user information: country code, phone number, etc.

This requires a base64-encoded JSON value, which you can provide through the userInfo parameter. This encoded value may include the following JSON:

    "countryCode": "+33",
    "phoneNumber": "0623456789",
    "email": "example@mail.com",
    "username": "username",
    "country": "France",
    "dob": "1970-01-01"

Incorporating the above base64-encoded JSON within the URL, it would resemble this:


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