Once you know the NFT's smart-contract address (using the code above), you can get all its metadata:
import { abi as erc721ABI } from './ERC721ABI.json';
const contractAddress = '0xYourNFTAddress'; // Replace with the actual contract address
async function getNFTMetadata(tokenId) {
const tokenURI = await client.readContract({
address: contractAddress, // Contract address of the NFT
abi: erc721ABI,
functionName: 'tokenURI', // Standard ERC-721 function to get metadata uri
args: [tokenId], // User's address whose balance you want to check
const metadataResponse = await fetch(tokenURI);
const metadata = await metadataResponse.json();
// Example usage: Get metadata for a specific token (e.g., token ID 1)
Retrieve user NFT balance
This code will allow you to check how many NFTs from a specific collection a user holds.
It is much lighted than the "Retrieve user NFT list" example that uses Nansen shown above.
import { abi as erc721ABI } from './ERC721ABI.json';
async function getNFTBalance() {
const balance = await client.readContract({
address: '0xYourNFTAddress', // Replace with the actual NFT contract address
abi: erc721ABI,
functionName: 'balanceOf', // Standard ERC-721 function to get balance
args: ['0xUserWalletAddress'], // User's address whose NFT balance you want to check
return balance.toString();
// Example usage