Make sure to implement the prerequisite code, or else these examples will not work!
Retrieve user token balances
You can retrieve how many tokens of a specific type (ERC-20) a user holds in their wallet.
From there, you can create any scenario related to the balance.
For instance, you can implement token-gating contents: giving access to certain content of your website only to holders of a certain token.
import { abi as erc20ABI } from './ERC20ABI.json';
const tokenAddress = '0xYourTokenAddress'; // Replace with the actual ERC-20 contract address
const userAddress = '0xUserWalletAddress'; // Replace with the user's wallet address
async function getTokenBalance() {
const balance = await client.readContract({
address: tokenAddress,
abi: erc20ABI,
functionName: 'balanceOf', // This is standard ERC-20 function to get balance
args: [userAddress],
return balance.toString();
// Example usage
Retrieve user CHZ balance
You can retrieve how many tokens of a specific native token a user has held in their wallet; for instance, CHZ on Chiliz Chain.
async function getNativeTokenBalance(address) {
const balance = await client.getBalance({
return balance.toString();
// Example usage. Replace 0xUserWalletAddress with the actual user wallet address.
Send ERC-20 Tokens to a wallet
You can send any token held in your wallet to any other wallet.
This is a code-based alternative to the POST /admin/wallet/transfer/fan-token endpoint, which was deprecated from the API in Q1 2025.
import { createWalletClient, privateKeyToAccount } from 'viem';
const privateKey = '0xSenderPrivateKey'; // Replace with the sender's private key
const account = privateKeyToAccount(privateKey);
const walletClient = createWalletClient({
transport: http(''),
async function sendTokens(to, amount) {
const txHash = await walletClient.writeContract({
address: '0xYourTokenAddress', // Replace with the ERC-20 token contract address
abi: erc20ABI,
functionName: 'transfer', // Standard ERC-20 function to transfer tokens
args: [to, BigInt(amount * 1e18)],
return txHash;
// Example usage. Replace 0xRecipientAddress with the actual recepient wallet address, and 10 with the exact amount to send.
sendTokens('0xRecipientAddress', 10).then(console.log);